Άριστος Αριστοδήμου
2014 | Τμήμα Αρχιτεκτονικής Πανεπιστημίου Λευκωσίας
Διπλωματική Εργασία | Επιβλέποντες : Γιώργος Χατζηχρήστος, Alessandra Swiny, Μιχάλης Γεωργίου
2014 | Department of Architecture University of Nicosia
Diploma_Final Project | Supervisors : Yiorgos Hadjichristou – Alessandra Swiny – Michalis Georgiou
‘’Trashformer’’, acts at Athens of Greece as a response to the decay of concrete materiality of the metropolis and their air/noise pollution that impacts the environment and its citizens heavily. A primary characteristic of the project aims to recycle the decaying concrete structures and from its materials with the use of technological means to recreate spaces, flows and activities in the area in a porous design that will be unique. Diversity will be created that will not follow the structural grid nowadays cities are build, creating new layers for the city to be read. Higher density will be provided without maximizing the buildings footprint, insertion of public space, greenery and light qualities that are lost in the city will be given a high priority to be enhanced. Furthermore the project will grow and expand to near neighborhoods over time as living organism that will aid the cities with its filtration system, and will live from the city’s waste. It passes through buildings and areas in a wormlike movement in order to create a new or reinforce the existing city fabric that is previous materials came into their end life- using the waste and transforming them into means that are beneficial for the users. . The manmade concrete jungle is being transformed in a less chaotic environment that emphasizes on the user and the experiential quality of people interacting with the each other and with the city in an entirely new level. The existing grid of the city is making the area unique in character as new open areas and uses appear. The enjoyment living is such city is the enjoyment of the new and different conditions where the city is cleaning its self. The rubbish now surrounds the city and inspires devotion to an environmental friendly way of living. The result is that the waste is being recycled into a method that takes place on side. The near cities soon will need to address their own waste crisis and the “Trashformer” will expand aiding polluted cities. A flow of space and time, in which passive and active pleasure is provoked and the organization of space is challenging the limits of construction.