Tatiana Ioannidou, Chariton Lazarides
2016 | Proposal | UGANDA
2nd Year STUDIO | School of Architecture of UNIC
The 2nd year students of UNIC ‘s School of Architecture, Chariton Lazarides and Tatiana Ioannidou won the 3rd prize in the international architectural competition for the Ugandan LGBT Youth Asylum organized by the ‘Bee Breeders Architecture Competition Organizers’ with their project which is their work produced in the architecture studio Arch 202 , called ‘Human Topographies_ Emerging Identities’ taught by Alessandra Swiny and Yiorgos Hadjichristou with the 4th year student assistant Christos Xenofontos.
The competition was open to young architects and students of architecture, and the winning project is going to be built.
Please see below the submitted panels.
Here is the commentary of the jury of the competition:
“The third place winners of the Uganda LGBT Youth Asylum architecture competition taking zoning to another level, creating a village-within-a-building in their project. Their designs are very in keeping with the local community, creating a sustainable environment that works to further integrate LGBT people into the wider community.
The designs created by our third place winners, place a strong focus on using sustainable materials and accessing sustainable resources such as collecting rainwater and incorporating solar panels. The materials and designs used in this project are also especially in keeping with the local environment and community. Brick is featured as a primary construction material in these designs, it is also a material that is often produced locally and so works to support the community in the youth centre’s construction while at the same time keeping costs low.”
Here is the link of the results of the competition: